Southern Systems Integators


We are annoyed by data-double entry and would like to share our expertise and knowledge about how to integrate systems so that once entered, data stays digital. We want to ease your data flow and reduce the necessity to print or fax information for others to enter it again.

Applications (should) have interfaces to allow other applications and services to hand-over data and instructions in a defined way. If there is, we'll find a way to make it happen.

We design ICT environments from ground up that will allow to follow these principles. Our strong networking expertise is a superior foundation to build up from. Without a network you don't get data anywhere. That applies to more than IT. We don't lose focus of what you are trying to achieve.


Who we work with and who we worked with is listed on our References page.

Referee details will be provided on request. We've devided to do it this way to respect their privacy and avoid abuse of our valuable clients' details.


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Published on  February 19th, 2018